Free Comic Book Script - Demon of the Fjord by Kurt Brugel
Theme: Historical!
Demon of the Fjord by Kurt Brugel is a chilling Viking-era tale of obsession, betrayal, and sacrifice. When Sigvald, an aging jarl, and his loyal shield-brother Thorstein haul a mysterious sea creature, Eydis, from the depths of their fjord, they bring both wonder and doom to their village. Sigvald becomes entranced by Eydis, believing her to be a gift from Ægir, the sea god, while Thorstein sees her as a harbinger of death. As Eydis’s insatiable hunger grows, she begins to prey on the village, claiming lives and straining the bond between the two men. Thorstein’s warnings go unheeded as Sigvald’s obsession blinds him to the danger, culminating in Sigvald sacrificing himself to end the havoc Eydis has wrought. In a haunting final act, his poisoned blood kills the creature, leaving Thorstein to mourn his jarl and reflect on the tragic cost of hubris and devotion.
Theme: Historical!
Demon of the Fjord by Kurt Brugel is a chilling Viking-era tale of obsession, betrayal, and sacrifice. When Sigvald, an aging jarl, and his loyal shield-brother Thorstein haul a mysterious sea creature, Eydis, from the depths of their fjord, they bring both wonder and doom to their village. Sigvald becomes entranced by Eydis, believing her to be a gift from Ægir, the sea god, while Thorstein sees her as a harbinger of death. As Eydis’s insatiable hunger grows, she begins to prey on the village, claiming lives and straining the bond between the two men. Thorstein’s warnings go unheeded as Sigvald’s obsession blinds him to the danger, culminating in Sigvald sacrificing himself to end the havoc Eydis has wrought. In a haunting final act, his poisoned blood kills the creature, leaving Thorstein to mourn his jarl and reflect on the tragic cost of hubris and devotion.
Theme: Historical!
Demon of the Fjord by Kurt Brugel is a chilling Viking-era tale of obsession, betrayal, and sacrifice. When Sigvald, an aging jarl, and his loyal shield-brother Thorstein haul a mysterious sea creature, Eydis, from the depths of their fjord, they bring both wonder and doom to their village. Sigvald becomes entranced by Eydis, believing her to be a gift from Ægir, the sea god, while Thorstein sees her as a harbinger of death. As Eydis’s insatiable hunger grows, she begins to prey on the village, claiming lives and straining the bond between the two men. Thorstein’s warnings go unheeded as Sigvald’s obsession blinds him to the danger, culminating in Sigvald sacrificing himself to end the havoc Eydis has wrought. In a haunting final act, his poisoned blood kills the creature, leaving Thorstein to mourn his jarl and reflect on the tragic cost of hubris and devotion.
Guidelines for Usage
Terms and Conditions for Downloading the Free Comic Book Script from
By downloading the free comic book script from, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
All art work to be considered for collaboration and/or placement in an issue of CROM Anthology must appear on an Episode of CROM Update podcast first.
You confirm that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age and legally capable of entering into this agreement.
Public Domain Acknowledgment
You acknowledge that Crom the Barbarian is a character in the public domain. Kurt Brugel claims no ownership of the character and offers this script solely as a creative tool.
All new elements created within a Free Comic Book Script is copywritten by The Gardner Francis Fox Library LLC and Kurt Brugel. For further clarification please email
Purpose of the Script
The free comic book script is provided to guide comic book artists at any level of experience. It is intended to foster potential collaborations with Kurt Brugel or other members of the Crommunity but does not guarantee any collaboration or publication opportunity.
No Guarantee of Publication
Completion of the free comic book script does not assure or guarantee the artist any space or inclusion in the CROM Anthology or any other publication associated with
No Monetary Compensation
This free comic book script is provided without monetary compensation. Any terms of compensation for work intended for publication will be negotiated and agreed upon in writing prior to publication.
Rights to Completed Work
You retain the rights to print, distribute, or otherwise use your completed work in any manner you see fit without any obligation to compensate Kurt Brugel.
Credit Attribution
You agree to credit Kurt Brugel and in any publication or presentation of your completed work derived from the free comic book script.
By downloading the script, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, please refrain from downloading the script.